Dernière modification : 2011/09/05 21:54


aptitude install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libasound2-dev libgtk2.0-dev
cd gnuais-0.2.0


erreur undef reference curl/mysql
vi config.h


testmessages : get from SVN sur sourceforge

wget -O gnuais-testmessages.tgz
tar xvzf gnuais-testmessages.tgz
mkdir logs

modif tobinary.c (fscanf %d --> %hd )
gcc -o tobinary tobinary.c && ./tobinary 1.num 1.raw

→ sort aucun paquet

$ src/gnuais -c gnuais.conf-example   -l testmessages/gnuais-stereo-2rx.raw |grep 230108610
2010/04/05 16:34:11.309424 gnuais[9831:3075610832] NOTICE: Starting up...
2010/04/05 16:34:11.311943 gnuais[9831:3075610832] NOTICE: Reading audio from file: gnuais-stereo-2rx.raw
2010/04/05 16:34:11.311982 gnuais[9831:3075610832] NOTICE: Started
(ch A cntr 477749 type 1): 230108610  60.149933  24.984143 1.900000 5.200000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP0l1jGTdRJhJ04wvB284n,0*73 )
(ch A cntr 1382779 type 1): 230108610  60.150437  24.984050 350.100000 6.200000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP0v1jGRtRJiUecOvn2<0o,0*76 )
(ch B cntr 1382779 type 1): 230108610  60.150437  24.984050 350.100000 6.200000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP0v1jGRtRJiUecOvn2<0o,0*76 )
(ch A cntr 2429890 type 1): 230108610  60.151098  24.983810 351.200000 6.900000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP151jGNLRJk8uf?wR2<0p,0*38 )
2010/04/05 16:34:13.394617 gnuais[9831:3075610832] NOTICE: Closing down...
2010/04/05 16:34:13.394706 gnuais[9831:3075610832] INFO: A: Received correctly: 144 packets, wrong CRC: 47 packets, wrong size: 6 packets
2010/04/05 16:34:13.394724 gnuais[9831:3075610832] INFO: B: Received correctly: 46 packets, wrong CRC: 53 packets, wrong size: 5 packets
(ch A cntr 3357963 type 1): 230108610  60.151722  24.983620 352.000000 7.300000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP191jGJpRJlVMh?vB24h<,0*5E )
(ch B cntr 3357963 type 1): 230108610  60.151722  24.983620 352.000000 7.300000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP191jGJpRJlVMh?vB24h<,0*5E )
(ch A cntr 4262988 type 1): 230108610  60.152380  24.983423 351.400000 7.500000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP1;1jGG<RJn9=fgvn28?q,0*6C )
(ch B cntr 4262989 type 1): 230108610  60.152380  24.983423 351.400000 7.500000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP1;1jGG<RJn9=fgvn28?q,0*6C )
(ch A cntr 5252505 type 5): 230108610 SUOKKI SUOMENLINNA FERRY 35 9 3.200000  ( !AIVDM,2,2,1,,H1QDTVH880,2*42 )
(ch B cntr 5252505 type 5): 230108610 SUOKKI SUOMENLINNA FERRY 35 9 3.200000  ( !AIVDM,2,2,0,,H1QDTVH880,2*43 )
(ch A cntr 5310109 type 1): 230108610  60.153142  24.983203 351.600000 7.700000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP1=1jGC4RJosMg?wR28Lc,0*58 )
(ch B cntr 5310109 type 1): 230108610  60.153142  24.983203 351.600000 7.700000    32     0   511  ( !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13KLehPP1=1jGC4RJosMg?wR28Lc,0*58 )

01 - Position Report with SOTDMA
02 - Position Report with SOTDMA
03 - Position Report with ITDMA
04 - Base Station Report
05 - Ship static and voyage related data